We have an exciting opportunity coming up in June of 2026. Our artistic Director, David Branson, has been invited to conduct a choir in Carnegie Hall! Consider joining the Casper Civic Chorale so that you can be a part of this incredible musical experience.
Casper Civic Chorale had the unique opportunity to do two concerts this spring. Our first concert, held on May 4th, was a celebration of women composers, such as Elaine Hagenberg and Heather Sorenson. To view and listen to this concert, please visit our youtube channel: Women Composers.
On May 5th, we joined choirs from Gillette (Gillette Chamber Singers) and Cheyenne (Cheyenne Capital Chorale). Each choir, including the Casper Civic Chorale, performed three songs of their choice. To close the concert, all three choirs joined together to sing the final three pieces. It was a thrill and an amazing experience to sing with over 100 voices! To join us in this incredible experience, please watch: Joining Together in Song.
To see photos of both concerts, please continue on the next page.
The Casper Civic Chorale is excited to announce our TWO spring concerts!
On Saturday, May 4, the CCC will present their concert, Celebrating Women Composers. On Sunday, May 5, the CCC will be joined by the Cheyenne Capital Chorale and the Gillette Chamber Singers for the Coming Together in Song concert. Both concerts promise to be an exaltation of music!
May 4, 2024 - Eventbrite for Celebrating Women Composers
May 5, 2024 - Eventbrite for Coming Together in Song
Nina Stairs, a member of the Casper Civic Chorale, had this to say after the fall concert, Poems & Prayers.
"…the glory…of a dream
…”Poems and Prayers”…the songs we sang during Sunday’s concert are still sneaking their way into my day…and I love it! and what a joy it is being part of such a great group of dedicated, passionate, disciplined and talented, but also kind and servant-hearted. hard to believe I waited thirty yrs to once again be a part…sooo grateful some friends asked me last Christmas to re-join!
are you up for a vocal adventure? join us! we’d love to have you! our next season starts in February and we’ll be singing with two Wyoming choirs as part of our May performances!
the people you’ll meet, the vocal arrangements you’ll sing and the challenges you’ll overcome while learning the beautiful and inspiring songs our maestro selects… so good for the soul."
To watch the Fall Concert click here: Poems & Prayers
Casper Civic Chorale has some exciting things happening this fall!
Two members of our choir, Lila Olsen and Alicia Gardner, have gone above and beyond to make our choir better. To begin with, they take turns leading warm-up exercises for our rehearsals, teaching all of us to be better vocalists.
Lila has recorded tracks for each part for every song. This is allowing our singers to learn their parts more easily and it definitely shows during our rehearsals! She has also offered to help singers one-on-one with any songs that are challenging for them.
Alicia is offering "Boot Camp for Singers" to teach chorale members about music theory and music technique. They meet on Tuesdays before rehearsal at 6:00 PM.
A huge THANK YOU to these ladies for all they're doing for us!
Did you miss the CCC 50 Year Celebration concert?
Enjoy this video of our music!
- 5:00 - Concert begins
- 32:00 - CCC Directors honored
- 45:00 - CCC Accomponists honored
- 46:00 - Honoring CCC members who have been singing for 30 years
- 49:00 - Concert resumes