Our fall concert, Celebrate the Joy - 50 Years of Making Music, was so appropriately named. What a celebration it was!
Not only did we get to share beautiful music with our Casper community, we had the great privilege of honoring our past directors, Wayne McIntire and Steve Grussendorf, along with our current director, David Branson. We were also able to thank our past and present accompanists, who are such an integral part of creating our joyful noise!

Chorale members had some spooky fun last rehearsal! While every week is a time for fellowship and music, we like to mix it up for holidays and special events. We're looking forward to sharing the fun with new members in the spring!
Several members of CCC had the opportunity to participate in the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra of Beethoven's 9th concert. CCC singers joined Casper College and other community members to add their voices to this piece to make a joyful noise!
This group is not always so serious. Check out the next page to see their fun side!
The Casper Civic Chorale will be celebrating 50 years of music during their Fall Concert! The Casper Civic Chorale started in 1972 under the direction of Wayne McIntire. Wayne encouraged the people of Casper to join together in song for 40 years. His vision was to provide a place for lovers of music to sing, regardless of their experience. Auditions were not required and reading music was optional. The only important thing was the desire to raise your voice in song!
(Continue reading on the next page to learn more about our concert and to see a welcome letter from the president of our board.)

The Casper Civic Chorale Meet and Greet is a chance for choir members to reconnect and spend time together. It’s also a great time for people who are interested in joining us to meet current members! Come join us and share your summer adventures.
We’ll provide the brisket and all the necessary paper products. Please bring a dish to share (side or dessert). Also bring your own beverage (please no glass). Families are welcome to join. We would love to meet them!
The Casper Civic Chorale has updated their website!
We would like to thanks Tracey Zulian-Kennedy, who was responsible for keeping the Casper Civic Choral website current and updated for over 10 years. She played a key role in finding the information needed to transition from the former website and played a vital role in the process for it to be to what you see now.